Health & Wellbeing.
Skillsec is committed to positive growth and development opportunities on personal, educational and employment levels for all our learners. We acknowledge that the key elements of wellness include Taha tinana (physical health), Taha wairua (spiritual health), Taha whanau (family health) and Taha hinengaro (mental health).
At Skillsec we care about your health and wellbeing. We want you to be the best person you can be. We face many challenges in life and we want you to be resilient members of society. Skillsec takes a holistic approach and works cooperatively with external support agencies to support and guide all our learners.
If a student or trainee becomes ill, we will endeavour to get in touch with student’s or trainee’s parents or caregiver. If we are unable to do so, we will use our discretion about seeking medical aid and advice. We also require a current name and telephone number of someone who can be called in an emergency in addition to contact details for the parent/s and caregiver.
The community organisation below can help us all be the best we can be and they can also help give us strategies that we all need to become the best version of ourselves.
It's okay to reach out for help - never hesitate if you are concerned about yourself or someone else.